January 28, 2008

11 sweet days...

(above) color or black and white... i love both!

these pictures might be some of my very favorite newborn pictures... this little guy is so small...so sweet... and only 11 days old. his big sister is so so proud. nothing could be sweeter. big brother was whispering all of his favorite toys in his ear. i could post all of the images i took... i just love babies! what was so amazing about him was he just laid there on his tummy, all curled up, happy and content for quite awhile. congratulations to this fantastic family. i cannot tell you how very excited i am that we have a full, fun year ahead of us to capture little "L"!

FUN TIP: you can always click on any picture on my blog and it will open in a new screen... LARGER:)

January 27, 2008

40 years!

wow. 40 years of marriage. that is something to celebrate. this family decided to get together and celebrate their parents 40th wedding anniversary...along with a photo shoot! fabulous idea! so... the 2 grandsons kind of stole the show (just a little bit)... until...

(above) the aunt and uncle went candid crazy for me! yipppee! you have no idea how happy i was to catch this moment! ha ha!


January 20, 2008

the big ONE!

oh my. sweet little "C" is 1...i cannot believe it. here he is in his adorable number 1 onesie (an adorable product of quince and clover designs) i must say, a little nostalgia sets in for me...the last year has gone so fast. just watching these little guys get big so fast. wow...look at his blue eyes. what great friends- thanks for letting us crash in your kitchen "A"... my favorites had to be the top 2, but then the third one i just love his smile... then that last one... oooo...something about it... it gets me. happy birthday sweet baby "C"! (we can still call them babies 'til their 2, right?)

January 19, 2008

tutu much.

my absolute favorite from the entire day (above)

i almost don't even need to type on this one tonite. for me, these pictures speak volumes...i LOVE tutus! doesn't get much better than this! a tutu, cowboy boots, a super cute just-turned one-year old who loved tromping all over in her girly get-up, and the most laid back parents... wow. what a morning. this little one was fun to capture...this diaper and tutu was quite the site. she was so quick - the tutu didn't slow her down a bit and every time her little hands would hit the floor to crawl this tutu just fanned open and i LOVED it...so- that explains a few of the pictures...so fun "J"- maybe punkin can join us next time:)

January 17, 2008

yippee...turning 3!

this little guy is turning 3! happy birthday! and boy was he excited for picture day! he had his boots in a bag, his sweater vests all ready and his shirt ironed... then he wanted more gel in his hair and smiled at himself in the mirror. cracks me up. just love this age and everything about being 3! of course, these were a little surprise for mom to see... and wow! i just love them! he really never stopped smiling that big smile... (and we never said the "c" word- cheese)- he is just so happy! gotta love "M"!

January 16, 2008

my goodness.

my goodness. these 2 are a blast to photograph. (you've seen them before back in the summer with the hose on their back porch)... i could be at their house for the entire day...first off- can you believe this little guys eyes? whooeee. look at those big brown eyes. then there's "C"...(yep, that is a black eye) what makes me love this family even more is picture day with or without a black eye- no photoshop necessary- it's just a day in the life of "C". she is hilarious. the facial expressions in talking with her make me laugh (which makes my camera shake)! they ate their grilled cheese lunch and we played upstairs where the natural light was streaming in....thanks for the fun!

FUN TIP: always feed your child something prior to their photo session...food = happy children

January 14, 2008

new splatter collage designs...

new for 2008... custom splatter collage designs... just had to post a few... they are fabulous! i just love them! and in person the metallic finish (if you haven't seen metallic- whoooeee- it's FUN) makes them pop... unlimited # of images, umlimited # of possibilities with these...linen, metallic, lustre, chocolate, pebbles, tattered... what is your style?
(click on the images above to enlarge)

January 13, 2008

more sweet feet

oh...i love feet! and pink feet... here i go with the toes. (really, it's only baby feet i love). this little sweet one is 3 weeks old. she was fabulous. these 4 are all my favorite for 4 different reasons. the top one: of course, the feet... #2 she was exploring her hands with her eyes closed... #3 look how alert and wide open those eyes are... #4 oooeee. this one i LOVE. i love the focus on her bloomers with her name (now that her feet are not the focus), i love how soft it is... and what you didn't get to see were how she flew those feet all over the place as we snapped away. congrats to you 2 on your new beautiful baby girl...wow.

FUN TIP: monogrammed bloomers are adorable in pictures for newborns...i think this is going to be my new baby gift idea for 2008. thanks for the great idea, melissa!

January 12, 2008

so great to be back....

happy new year!!! after taking 3 full weeks off from from blogging... i am back and ready to catch up. hopefully Christmas was merry and the new year is off to bang for everyone. we had a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful vacation...lots of fun. and... fun- today was my first "official" day behind the camera again... and look who i got to meet! check out these 2 cuties. they started off my morning just how i like it- full of energy and running! lots of fun things in 2008.

FUN TIP: Get a coffee. yes, stop and get a coffee before you come to your photo session or make a pot of coffee if i am coming to your house and get prepared to sit and relax. yes, sit... the kids and i are going to play and you'll get to drink a coffee, read a book and my hope is- relax a little. i learned so much more in 2007 (which you will continue to hear more about)...just allowing the kids to play and "be" allows me to capture them being their most natural self. no more "cheese" PLEASE! (more tips to come...)